Waste Management
Waste Management, Inc. is the leading provider of comprehensive waste and environmental services in North America. The company is strongly committed to a foundation of financial strength, operating excellence and professionalism.

Waste Management tailors its services to meet the needs of each customer group and to ensure consistent, superior service at the local level. Headquartered in Houston, the company's network of operations includes 354 collection operations, 341 transfer stations, 277 active landfill disposal sites, 16 waste-to-energy plants, 105 recycling facilities (30 of which are single-stream technology), 108 landfill gas projects with 10 more slated for construction in 2008, and 6 independent power production plants. These assets enable Waste Management to offer a full range of environmental services to nearly 20 million residential, industrial, municipal and commercial customers.

Drawing on our resources and experience, we actively pursue projects and initiatives that benefit the waste industry, the communities we serve and the environment. Waste Management works to make a positive difference for the environment in every aspect of its business.

We recover and process methane gas, naturally produced by decomposing waste in landfills, into an energy source for generating power. We currently supply enough landfill gas to create more than 450 megawatts of green energy that could power about 400,000 homes or replace about 7 million barrels of oil per year or 2 millions tons of coal per year.
With 425 vehicles now converted from diesel fuel to clean-burning natural gas, we operate one of the nation's largest fleets of heavy-duty trucks powered exclusively by natural gas.
We have taken a leadership role in promoting the recycling and reuse of materials that would otherwise end up in landfills. Waste Management, combined with its wholly owned subsidiary WM Recycle America, is North America’s largest recycler. We process 5.5 million tons of commodities each year, saving approximately 41 million trees through paper and cardboard recycling alone.
Through its waste-to-energy plants, WM uses solid municipal waste to generate power. This reduces the volume of the waste by 90 percent and saves space in local landfills while providing an economical alternative to the use of fossil and nuclear fuels.
WM partners with communities, government and industries to redevelop closed landfill sites into recreational and commercial facilities such as parks, athletic fields, campgrounds and golf courses.
Across North America, we work with environmental groups to set aside land to create and manage wetlands and wildlife habitats. Our landfills provide more than 17,000 acres of protected land for wildlife; 24 landfills are certified by the Wildlife Habitat Council.
WM helped found the Chicago Climate Exchange, an organization established to provide a voluntary marketplace for reducing and trading greenhouse gas emissions.
Waste Management's environmental initiatives have drawn recognition numerous times from organizations such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Energy and the Wildlife Habitat Council.